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2024-11-02, 19:15



monolithic quartz cells 

Crystal monitors


Filters 10.7 MHz
Filters 21,4 MHz
Filters 45 MHz



Quartz crystal units  fundamental
Quartz crystal units  3rd overtone
Quartz crystal units  5th overtone
Quartz crystal units  7th overtone



Monolithic  quartz cells 9 -46MHz

Frequency range


Package type ΔF=Fa-Fs [KHz] Ap[dB]
ΔAp=Aa-As [dB] Stopband attenuation[dB] Temperature stability over OTR  [ppm] / [°C]
10.7 (9 ÷ 12) HC-49 3-pin Standard 1.5 ÷ 40

-48 ÷ -38

3.0 ÷ 4.5 70 ÷ 85 Typ. ±20 // -20 ÷ 70
21.4 (18 ÷ 30) UM-1; UM-1 SLIM; HC-49 3-pin Standard 4.5 ÷ 32 - 46 ÷ - 38
45 (35 ÷ 46) UM-1; UM-1 SLIM 3-pin Standard 5 ÷ 23

- 45 ÷ - 38


The exact values of the parameters could be agreed with the client


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